Nucleic Acid Extraction System EZL-NS102 Catalog


Nucleic Acid Extraction System EZL-NS102 is a completely automated system for extracting and purifying DNA from a range of sources. In just a few minutes, this procedure can handle numerous samples each day and offer quick, consistent, and repeatable findings. In a single run, this small device can handle 32 big volume samples up to a needed quantity. This device is a turnkey solution that provides lab with everything you need to automate high speed purifications.


Sample Capacity 32 samples
Sample Volume 20 to 500 µl
Working Volume 20 µl to 1000 µl
Sample Throughput 1 to 32
Extraction Time 15 to 40 min/round
Extraction Method Magnetic Bead Recovery
Magnetic Bead Recovery > 98%
Extracting the difference between holes CV ≤ 3%
Heating Temperature 8 independent heating modules, customize lysis and elution temperature
Oscillating Mixing Low, medium and high 3 gears are adjustable and fluctuation range can be adjusted with the reagent volume
Reagent Type Magnetic bead open platform
Internal Program Can store up to > 100 groups of programs
Built-in Air Duct No
UV Radiation Yes
Package Size (W×D×H) 580×510×700 mm
Gross Weight 51 kg


  • ✓ Convenient throughput up to 32 samples in 15 – 40 mints
  • ✓ 7-inch touch screen, easy to use console
  • ✓ UV dis-infection function
  • ✓ Archival quality DNA or RNA
  • ✓ Automatic control system
  • ✓ User defined cracking and elution temperature
  • ✓ Fast purification process
  • ✓ Reproducibility with magnetic rods
  • ✓ Plate re-orientation
  • ✓ Lidding and de-lidding
  • ✓ Graphical process editor
  • ✓ Free programming to meet the different needs of the reagent


  • ✓ This device is compatible with PCR diagnostics kits and also has requirement in several fields such as Forensic Samples, Sequencing, Cloning, Routine sample preparation, Genetic screening, Microbiology testing and Plant molecular biology research.