Electronic Balance EZL-EB92 Catalog


Electronic Balance EZL-EB92 is a well-built balance that can be used for heavier tasks in a laboratory or on the factory floor. For various calibrations in the device's measurement range, a light weight precision balance with a readability range of 100 mg and a weighing pan size of 15000 g is used. This balance adds a new level of comfort to daily weighing tasks and is built to deliver consistent, dependable results. The distinct metallic base and mechanical structure ensure balance stability and interference immunity.


Weighing Range 0-15000 g
Readable Precision 100 mg
Scale Size 255×190 mm
Power AC/DC
Outline Dimension (W×D×H) 300×120×160 mm
Out Packing Dimension (W×D×H) 356×310×165 mm
Net Weight 3.2 Kg


  • ✓ Robust and light in weight
  • ✓ Provides high end calibrations
  • ✓ Distinctive metallic base and mechanical structure ensure balance stability
  • ✓ Low vibration stabilized operation
  • ✓ High accuracy, reliable results
  • ✓ Large weighing capacities ranging from 10000g to 30000g
  • ✓ Easy and reliable operation with full-scale faring
  • ✓ In-built RS232 interface for easier transfer of test results to an external device
  • ✓ Soft touch buttons for easy valuation of experimental ranges
  • ✓ Rugged design with overload protection
  • ✓ High chemical resistance pan
  • ✓ Quick and precise response with LED lighting display
  • ✓ Detachable stainless steel weighing pan


  • ✓ It is widely used in medicine research, school enterprise, institution units, and road build and country defense as ideal precision measuring unit. It is also used for laboratory analysis and quality control.